Guides and Tips

Cigars in the USA: A Complete Guide

Cigars in the USA A Complete Guide

Cigars in the USA represent more than just a smoking tradition; they embody a rich cultural legacy, quality craftsmanship, and a diverse market catering to aficionados and beginners alike. From premium, hand-rolled selections to affordable everyday smokes, the American cigar scene is as varied as its enthusiasts. This guide explores the top cigar brands, buying tips, and smoking etiquette, offering an insider’s look into choosing, purchasing, and appreciating cigars in the United States.

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Table of Contents

1. The History of Cigars in the USA

Cigar smoking in the United States has a rich history dating back to the 19th century, with Cuban immigrants bringing the tradition to American shores. Over time, cigar culture grew alongside premium cigar manufacturing, particularly in regions like Florida and Pennsylvania, becoming a symbol of sophistication and leisure.

2. Top Cigar Brands and What Makes Them Special

Several premium cigar brands dominate the U.S. market, offering a range of blends and flavors. Padron is famous for its aged Nicaraguan tobacco, known for producing rich and bold flavors. Arturo Fuente, another top brand, is celebrated for its consistency and traditional Dominican tobacco, perfect for cigar aficionados. Davidoff cigars, with their creamy and smooth taste, are highly sought after for special occasions.

3. Where to Buy Cigars Online in the USA

The U.S. cigar market has a vast online presence, offering premium and affordable options. Websites like and JR Cigars and valera lopez cigars offer exclusive collections and quick delivery services. Online platforms provide not only convenience but also special discounts and samplers, making it easier for enthusiasts to explore various brands without leaving their homes

Cigars in the USA

4. How to Choose the Best Cigar for Beginners

New smokers may find themselves overwhelmed by the vast options. For beginners, mild cigars like Macanudo or Montecristo White Series are recommended. These cigars offer smoother, less intense flavors, making them perfect for someone just starting their cigar journey.

5. Exploring the Premium Cigar Market in the USA

The premium cigar market in the U.S. is booming, with an increasing demand for handmade cigars from countries like the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras. These premium cigars are crafted using long-filler tobacco and are known for their exceptional quality and flavor profiles.

6. Cigar Smoking Etiquette in America

Cigar smoking in the U.S. is often associated with social events and celebrations. Etiquette plays a crucial role in this culture. For instance, it’s customary to wait before lighting your cigar until others are ready. Properly cutting and lighting your cigar, and being considerate of others in terms of smoke and space, are key to enjoying the experience.

7. Affordable vs. Premium Cigars: What to Consider

While premium cigars offer unmatched craftsmanship and taste, affordable cigars have their place, especially for casual smokers. When choosing, consider factors like tobacco origin, blend complexity, and how often you smoke. For everyday cigars, brands like Punch offer affordable yet flavorful options, whereas premium brands like Cohiba are ideal for special moments.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to cigars in the USA
What is the best cigar for beginners in the USA?
  • Mild cigars like Macanudo or Montecristo White Series are great for beginners due to their smooth and less intense flavors.

Where can I legally smoke cigars in the USA?

Cigar smoking is generally allowed in designated cigar lounges, private property, and some outdoor areas, depending on state regulations.

What’s the difference between machine-made and hand-rolled cigars?

Hand-rolled cigars use premium long-filler tobacco and are crafted for superior flavor and quality, while machine-made cigars often use chopped filler and are less expensive.

How should I store my cigars?

Cigars should be stored in a humidor at 65-70% humidity to maintain their quality and prevent drying out.

As of now, Cuban cigars are generally prohibited in the USA due to trade restrictions, though they remain highly coveted globally.


Valera López Cigar, founded in 2020 in Miami, takes pride in offering premium cigars of the highest quality and reliable delivery service both within and outside of Florida. Our mission is to provide a unique experience with every smoke, ensuring satisfaction and excellence in every detail.